check check one two
bringin you nothin' but the bestest and freshest cuts out there, curated by yours truly...
had to get up off my ass and do somethin' about all this digital goodness floatin' around out there, there's just so much good music out there I feel responsible to help share it, you know?..I'm a 23 year old music junkie based in Boston currently, when I'm not busy roaming the globe - picked up good music in San Francisco and Buenos Aires, two of the better cities I've hung out in the last couple months...In my free time when I am not listening to music (which is never), I like to make art, make my own music, spin fire, enjoy the company of friends, go to shows, go biking/rock climbing/surfing/hiking/rafting/outdoors!, plan my next trip out of the country, and I guess work full-time, but that's the boring part...
I started this blog as a way to let friends know about great albums and artists, or spread the love, so to speak...