Saw a pretty sweet show last week at the Middle East in Cambridge. Prefuse 73 was headlining, but actually turned out to be pretty weak. I had seen him play at the same venue some five years ago actually, and he was way better, probably since he wasn't such an established artist at the time. I love the guy's work, but this time around his music was a bit too ambient and spacey, and his encore was pretty poor - he stood with his back to the audience and played some thrash/noise guitar licks. Myself and the few remaining people in the audience were left feeling even more confused and dissapointed after that.
Gaslamp Killer, the dude that opened for him, was amazing though. Totally made it worth going to the show just to catch his set. Dude plays a mix of dubstep, world, rock, and funky breaks, making a sick live set. He was in total control the whole time, keeping the crowd bouncing and whomping. Great set. I had the pleasure of copping his demo after the show, crazy artwork/packaging, it's called "Hell and the Lake of Fire are waiting for YOU!"
sorry for the rapidshare link
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